by Kaethe | Jun 3, 2017 | Intercultural Psychology
Here are the results of my research about the culture of serial expats. They show whether individuals’ culture gravitates to a common culture after they are exposed to several other cultural environments over an extended period of time, regardless of where they are...
by Kaethe | Apr 14, 2012 | Communication, Transactional Analyses
TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSES – CONSCIOUS MOVING BETWEEN EGO-STATES You will be able to turn conversations, using the different ego states of transactional analysis. Once you understand which ego state is used by your communication partner, you can address it and lead...
by Kaethe | Apr 11, 2012 | Communication, Transactional Analyses
TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSES – EGO STATES Getting emotional is when ‘the child has taken over’. It makes most of us feel bad and ‘not ok’ feelings take over. The Adult is the mostly used ego state for our usual communication. The parent comes...
by Kaethe | Mar 4, 2012 | Communication, Emotional Intelligence
WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, DETECTION AND USAGE Does a talent need a high IQ? Yes, some minimum level at least. Will that be sufficient to be successful? No. One might be a brilliant mind, but due to a lack of emotional intelligence not be able to convey content....
by Kaethe | Feb 24, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
THE COMBINATION OF CULTURAL DIMENSIONS: UAI, PDI Collaboration is suggested by many management consultants as most favorable way of working for international undertakings. All of you, who have participated in such might have experienced that there are certain cultures...