by Kaethe | Feb 20, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
STEREOTYPED BEHAVIOR CAUSED BY IVR AT WORK Indulgence versus restraint describes hedonistic behavior: how freely can people satisfy their basic needs and desires, how strict social norms are followed and gratification suppressed and regulated. Indulgence:...
by Kaethe | Feb 19, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
STEREOTYPED BEHAVIOR CAUSED BY LTO AT WORK Long term orientation describes the virtue regardless of truth. It is reflected in thrift and perseverance versus respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting one’s ‘face’. Low...
by Kaethe | Feb 13, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
STEREOTYPED BEHAVIOR CAUSED BY UAI AT WORK Uncertainty avoidance describes the tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It indexes how uncomfortable or comfortable one feels in unstructured situations. Low uncertainty avoidance index Few rules/ processes/...
by Kaethe | Feb 8, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
STEREOTYPED BEHAVIOR CAUSED BY MAS AT WORK Masculinity describes the distribution of roles between the genders. It can range from assertive and competitive (masculine) to modest and caring (feminine). Low masculinity: Less career driven Job and private life...
by Kaethe | Feb 3, 2012 | Cultural Dimensions, Intercultural Psychology
STEREOTYPED BEHAVIOR CAUSED BY PDI AT WORK The Power distribution index describes a society’s levels of inequality and how these are endorsed by followers and leaders. The less powerful members accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Low...